How Weekly Planners Can Help You Stay Organized

How Weekly Planners Can Help You Stay Organized

scandinavian lifestyle | Nordic mum


As a busy mother you know how time poor we can be. We never seem to have time on our hands to get all the necessary chores done or even plan the week ahead. I was like you, getting frustrated with myself with how I was scrambling through the weekly shopping, not having a clue on how to be organised and never knowing what I was going to prepare for dinner. I decided to get organized and created weekly planners.

My weekly planners are available in a printable digital form. You just print them, laminate them, use them, wipe them clean and reuse them again. These weekly planners have been a real time-saver, they force me to be organized and they help you save money. Yes, you read right, money……………. I’ll explain how.

scandinavian lifestyle | Nordic mum

1. Weekly Menu Planner

So my weekly menu planner allows you to plan your weekly / weekend meals ahead whether it is dinner or lunch. I get my kids to write down one day of the week what they want me to cook, to make sure they eat what is offered. Once you have planned your menu you move to the next planner.

2.Weekly Shopping List

Based on your menu you put your shopping list together. Anything that is missing from the fridge you just pencil in. Use wipe-off markers that you can easily scrub off from the laminate. Take a picture and you can refer the list when you go shopping. You buy what you need, i.e. what is required for the menu and this helps you avoid impulse purchases as an extra tip you can check your local shops for specials when planning your menu.

3. Pantry Stock Planner

Just enter all the things you are missing or low on in the pantry as you go along. Just write them down on the planner and again, take a picture when you go shopping. A good tip is to make a pantry audit when you start, get rid of any unused and out of date stuff. I know we all have some in our cupboards!!

4. Weekly To-Do List

For when you have a dentist appointment, kids’ hobbies/sports, coffee meetings with a friend, date night etc. Whatever it is just pencil it in on the planner. Once done, wipe clean and put the next week's to-do list on this handy calendar.

We have our weekly planners on the pantry cupboard or on the fridge door. My husband refers to it to see what is going on during the week and if he needs to come home early so he won’t miss a footy practice. There you go, weekly planners that save you time and money.


You can follow Susanna on where you can sign up for the FREE planners or you can follow her on her Instagram handle @thenordicmum where she shares her tips.


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