New moms make some of the hardest transitions in their lives. Having a baby is one of the most joyous, cherished moments in life. However, like any major change, postpartum can be a real rollercoaster. Sometimes you find yourself questioning your new status as a mother, feeling confused, overwhelmed, and stressed.
Relax. Take time out for yourself. This can be as simple as doing something you love and/or doing something fun with your kids. I know every new parent wants to do whatever they can for their children, but this doesn't mean they don't need their own space sometimes. But it's not just about taking a break from your children. Taking time out allows you to recharge and re-find the peace that comes with being present in the moment. Catch up on the things that matter most to you, whether it's watching your favorite TV shows or spending quality time with family and friends.
I'm sure we're only human and that's ok. But it's important to remember that with time comes confidence and with confidence comes peace of mind! You're doing an amazing job as a new mommy and don't forget it.
Motherhood is a journey of self-discovery, life lessons, and understanding your place in the world. It's hard work but if you're doing things with love and support from those close to you then parenting will be so much easier.
Be yourself as a mother, be your best self. Be gentle with yourself. Be present. Be in the moment.